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Export & Wrap Key Material

The Securosys HSM records an entry in the logs when performing actions with keys as well as any established or failed authentication. Use the AwsKmsByokExport command to wrap the specified key on the HSM using the public key that was downloaded from AWS KMS, see chapter Downloading Public Key and Import Token. The same wrapping algorithm (either RSAES_OAEP_SHA_256 or RSAES_OAEP_SHA_1) must be specified.

AwsKmsByokExport sample command:

java -jar primus-tools.jar AwsKmsByokExport <HSM connection and credentials>\
-aeskey AES-KEY-NAME [-aeskeypassword <HSM AES key password>] \
-kekfile <kek public key file, DER or PEM format> \
[-kekdata <kek public key data, base64 of DER>] \
-outfile <AWS KMS BYOK encrypted key output file>

Example command:

java -jar primus-tools.jar AwsKmsByokExport \
--host -port 2300 \
-user DEMO-TEST -password file:pwsetup \
-primusproxyuser FQO...QQOS -primusproxypassword file:pwproxy -aeskey AWS-ByokAES256 \
-kekdata public_key_b64 -outfile ImportKey
-aeskeyReplace the -aeskey parameter variable AES-KEY-NAME with the key name of the key to be extracted from the HSM, wrapped and imported into AWS. Additionally, if the key was protected with a password the -password parameter must be added to the command with where the variable <HSM AES key password> should be replaced with its correspondent password.
-modeThe -mode parameter defines the mode with which to wrap the key material, default: RSAES_OAEP_SHA_256, alternative: RSAES_OAEP_SHA_1
-kekfileUse the -kekfile parameter if the public key was downloaded from the AWS KMS console, alternatively if the AWS KMS API was used to download the base 64 version of the public key the -kekdata parameter should be used instead. Replace the variable <kek public key file, DER or PEM format> with the downloaded public key file.
- kekdataUse the -kekdata parameter if the base 64 encoded public key was downloaded with the AWS KMS API, alternatively if the AWS KMS Console was used to download the public key, the -kekfile parameter should be used instead. Replace the variable <kek public key data, base64 of DER> with the downloaded public key file.
-outfileReplace the -outfile parameter variable <AWS KMS BYOK encrypted key output file> with the file name of the to be exported and wrapped key material.