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Verify Plugin Setup

Upon configuring the plugin's configuration file, ensure that the plugin is listed as available within notation and that a successful connection to the CloudHSM/Primus HSM can be established.

List Notation plugins

To verify that the Notation plugin is available, execute the following command:

notation plugin list

Example output of successfully listed Securosys plugin:

NAME        DESCRIPTION                           VERSION   CAPABILITIES                ERROR 

securosys Securosys HSM provider for notation 1.4.0 [SIGNATURE_GENERATOR.RAW] <nil>

Test HSM connectivity

Connectivity with your CloudHSM or Primus HSM can be tested using the command below. Upon successful communication with the HSM, a statistics report will be displayed:

./notation-securosys check-connection

Example output of successfully listed Securosys plugin:

user SECUROSYS, private keys 0, public keys 0, secret keys 0, certificates 0, data objects 0, invalidated keys 0, used size 0 bytes, max size 1048576 bytes"