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Reconfigure AD CS Registry

Depending on the “Source” key store the procedure differs slightly (CNG, CSP

Scenario Migration from MS CNG/KSP to Primus CNG/KSP

This step applies only in case you migrated from a CNG-based key store (e.g. MS Software KSP).

  • Open a Command Shell with administrator rights
  • Edit the previously exported registry file myCACSPregistry.reg by replacing the Provider value with the Primus HSM CNG/KSP provider name (default Securosys Primus HSM Key Storage Provider; can be shown with the command certutil -csplist):
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

"Provider"="Securosys Primus HSM Key Storage Provider"
  • Save the file and run it to import the registry values.
  • Repeat the same procedure with the other exported registry file myCAEncryptionCSPregistry.reg.

Scenario Migration from MS CSP to Primus CNG/KSP

This step applies only in case you migrate from a CSP-based key store (e.g. Microsoft Strong Cryptographic Provider).

  • Open a Command Shell with administrator rights
  • Edit the previously exported registry file myCACSPregistry.reg by replacing the Provider value with the Primus HSM CNG/KSP provider name and adapt/add all the other values marked in red:
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

"Provider"="Securosys Primus HSM Key Storage Provider"
  • Execute the following command to evaluate the previously used CSP hash algorithm:
certutil -v -getreg ca\csp\HashAlgorithm


HashAlgorithm REG_DWORD = 8004 (32772)
Algorithm Class: 0x8000(4) ALG_CLASS_HASH
Algorithm Type: 0x0(0) ALG_TYPE_ANY
Algorithm Sub-id: 0x4(4) ALG_SID_SHA1
CertUtil: -getreg command completed successfully.
  • And adapt the above file myCACSPregistry.reg on the line with the CNGHashAlgorithm inserting the proper hash algorithm for CNG (in this case “SHA1”).
  • Save the file and run it to import the registry values.
  • Edit the previously exported registry file myCAEncryptionCSPregistry.reg by replacing the Provider value with the Primus HSM CNG/KSP provider name and adapt/add all the other values marked in red:
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

"Provider"="Securosys Primus HSM Key Storage Provider"
  • Execute the following command to evaluate the previously used CSP encryption algorithm:
certutil -v -getreg ca\encryptioncsp\EncryptionAlgorithm


EncryptionAlgorithm REG_DWORD = 6603 (26115)
Algorithm Class: 0x6000(3) ALG_CLASS_DATA_ENCRYPT
Algorithm Type: 0x600(3) ALG_TYPE_BLOCK
Algorithm Sub-id: 0x3(3) ALG_SID_3DES
CertUtil: -getreg command completed successfully.
  • And adapt the above file myCAEncryptionCSPregistry.reg on the line with CNGEncryptionAlgorithm, inserting the proper encryption algorithm for CNG (in this case 3DES), and the proper value for SymmetricKeySize (hexadecimal value, in this case is 000000a8 = 168).
  • Save the file and run it to import the registry values. In case you want to change the hash algorithm from SHA1 to SHA256, consult the Microsoft documentation mentioned at Migrating Microsoft PKI