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The OpenSSL command line interface can be used to interact with the HSM using the pkcs11-provider. As of OpenSSL 3 it is possible to limit the selection of different algorithm implementations using a properties based concept. The propquery parameter is available for many of the commands that are accessible through the CLI. When setting -propquery "provider=pkcs11" only algorithms that are offered by the pkcs11-provider will be used.

Working with keys on the HSM

Objects stored on the token are referenced using a PKCS#11 URI. For commands where the key is used as an input argument, it's URI can be entered in place of the file name. When generating a key, the URI can be passed as a pkeyopt (e.g. -pkeyopt pkcs11_uri:"pkcs11:type=private;object=SomeLabel").

Key generation


For generating, importing, and deleting objects on the HSM there are tools more suitable than OpenSSL. Consider using the pkcs11-tool instead.

At the moment "Error writing key(s)" is displayed despite creating the key-pair successfully.

Keys can be generated using OpenSSL's genpkey command:

openssl genpkey -propquery "provider=pkcs11" \
-algorithm "${ALGORITHM}" ${ALGORITHM_OPT:+-pkeyopt} ${ALGORITHM_OPT} \
-pkeyopt "pkcs11_uri:pkcs11:object=${UNIQUE_KEY_LABEL}?pin-value=${PIN_VALUE}"

The following table lists popular supported algorithms and algorithm options:


Exporting public keys

openssl pkeyutl -pubout -in "pkcs11:type=public;object=${UNIQUE_KEY_LABEL}" -out "${UNIQUE_KEY_LABEL}_pub.pem"

Creating a self signed certificate

openssl req -new -x509 -key "pkcs11:object=${UNIQUE_KEY_LABEL}" -sha256 -days 99 -out "${UNIQUE_KEY_LABEL}_crt.pem"

Please note that the certificate is not stored on the HSM. The certificate file needs to be written to the token explicitly. Here an example of using pkcs11-tool for writing the certificate to the token:

pkcs11-tool --module="$P11LIB" --login --type=cert --write-object "${UNIQUE_KEY_LABEL}_crt.pem" --label "${UNIQUE_KEY_LABEL}"