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Limitations of Infinite Key Store (IKS)


The infinite keystore is a powerful tool, encompassing many of the capabilities of the PrimusHSM Rest-API with a few exceptions.

  • Notably, it does not support endpoints dedicated to certificate management, such as those found at /v1/certificate/*.
  • Additionally, when utilizing the SynchronousSign and SynchronousDecrypt endpoints, it's important to note that the signedApprovals field should remain empty. This field is specifically designed for presigning the approval challenge, bypassing the need for TSB's native Workflow Engine.
  • Moreover, the infinite keystore does not provide endpoints for approver management. These functionalities, found at /v1/approverManagement/*, are not supported within the inifinite keystore context.


  • Key-Derivation is still possible through the /v1/derivedKey endpoint, temporary Key-derivation is disabled.

Security Limitations:

  • SKA policy modification using the /v1/modify endpoint is not possible, as the key could be changed and an old copy preserved.
  • Changing Key-Passwords (if one is set) is not possible, as the key could be changed and an old copy preserved.
  • Generating key's externally and then importing is not supported /v1/key/import/plain, however /v1/importedKey (import key from a bip32 seed) is possible.

Despite these limitations, the infinite keystore remains a versatile solution for many cryptographic needs, offering a wide range of features and capabilities.