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Release Notes

Securosys Docker Encryption Skopeo Plugin 1.1.0

Issued: April, 4, 2024

This version is compatible with TSB v2.0.0 or newer, it supports API-Key authentication.

Configuration Change

  • The configuration file now contains also parameters related to the API-Key authentication and signature, such as api key or public and private key which are used to calculate the signature.
  • You can now onfigure the "ocirypt.conf" like below(example):
"key-providers": {
"skopeo-securosys": {
"cmd": {
"args": [
"-cipher-algorithm <yourCipherAlgorithm>",
"-tsb-api-endpoint <TSB_APIendpoint>",
"-auth TOKEN",
"-token <yourToken>",
"-keyOperationToken <TSB-TOKEN>",
"-publicKey <PUBLIC_KEY>",
"-privateKey <PRIVATE_KEY>"

Securosys Docker Encryption Skopeo Plugin 1.0.0

Release Date: January, 23 2024