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Installation & Configuration

Securosys Docker Image Encryption Plugin configuration

Create a directory in which the ocicrypt.conf configuration file will be stored.

mkdir ${HOME}/Securosys/skopeo

There is no default ${BINARY_PATH} for the skopeo plugin at user level since the skopeo-securosys binary can be put anywhere. In the context of this guide, the plugin ${BINARY_PATH} is set to be under directory ${HOME}/Securosys/skopeo/.

Install the Securosys Docker Image Encryption Plugin binary

Navigate to the directory where the default Securosys Docker Image Encryption plugin configuration file was downloaded and extracted in Unpacking - Download Securosys Docker Image Encryption Plugin files.

Copy the skopeo-securosys binary file to the previously created directory.

cp skopeo-securosys ${BINARY_PATH}

Install the Securosys Docker Image Encryption Plugin config file

The ocicrypt.config file, extracted from the downloaded Securosys Docker Image Encryption configuration files in Unpacking - Unzip Securosys Docker Image Encryption Plugin configuration file is used to configure the Securosys Docker Image Encryption Plugin connection between the OCIcrypt CLI and Securosys Transaction Security Broker as linking element to the CloudHSM or on-prem Primus HSM.

The ocicrypt.config file contains:

  • Transaction Security Broker (TSB) connection parameters
    • URL
    • authentication method
    • authentication token / TLS parameters
  • Encryption key reference (label, password)
  • Path to skopeo-securosy plugin

Add the TSB connection parameters provided by the Securosys CloudHSM operations team or by your HSM/TSB administrator.

Please replace the link <TSB_APIendpoint> below by a TSBaaS - Connectivity Details for accurate API-Endpoint URI.

Navigate to the directory where the default Securosys Docker Image Encryption plugin configuration file was downloaded and extracted in Unpacking - Unzip Securosys Docker Image Encryption Plugin configuration file.


There is no default ${CONFIG_PATH} for the skopeo plugin at user level since the skopeo- securosys binary can be put anywhere. In the context of this guide, the plugin config ${CONFIG_PATH} is to be under directory ${HOME}/Securosys/skopeo/.

Copy the ocicrypt.conf file to the previously created directory.

cp ocicrypt.conf ${CONFIG_PATH}

The ocicrypt.conf file is used to configure the Securosys Docker Image Encryption Plugin.

The default ocicrypt.conf file can be seen below, please adapt the parameters pathToExecutable, -cipher-algorithm, tsb-api-endpoint, -auth, -token, -keyOperationToken, -publicKey, -privateKey according to your environment:

"key-providers": {
"securosys_encryption": {
"cmd": {
"args": [
"-cipher-algorithm <yourCipherAlgorithm>",
"-tsb-api-endpoint <TSB_APIendpoint>",
"-auth <TOKEN>",
"-token <yourToken>",
"-certpath <PathToCrt>",
"-keypath <PathToKey>",
"-keyOperationToken <TSB-TOKEN>",
"-publicKey <PUBLIC_KEY>",
"-privateKey <PRIVATE_KEY>"

Please see below the configuration parameters:

Configuration Parameters:Description
"path":"<pathToExecutable>/skopeo-securosys",Replace the variable with your path to the securosys-encryption plugin binary, i.e. {BINARY_PATH}. The naming of the plugin must stay the same!
"-cipher-algorithm <yourCipherAlgorithm>",Replace the variable with the Cipher Algorithm of your encryption key. Possible values:
"-tsb-api-endpoint <TSB_APIendpoint>",Replace the variable with your TSB endpoint URI. Visit Securosys CloudHSM Connectivity Details for CloudHSM TSB as a Service deployments.
"-auth <TOKEN>",Specifies the authentication type. Keep the value as:
- TOKEN for JWT based authentication
- CERT for mTLS
"-token <yourToken>"Replace the variable with your TSB JWT authentication token. For "-auth TOKEN": Replace the variable with your own TSB JWT token. Omit entirely in case of "auth CERT" (mTLS)
"-certpath <PathToCrt>"For "auth CERT":
Provide the full path of the server certificate file.
Omit entirely in case of "auth TOKEN"
"-keypath <PathToKey>"For "auth CERT":
Provide the full path of the client key file.
Omit entirely in case of "auth TOKEN".
"-keyOperationToken <TSB-TOKEN>"Additional authentication for TSB, set correct api key value for specific operation. This is optional and will not break existing deployments. For more info visit page
"-publicKey <PUBLIC_KEY>"The public key (base64 encoded) that belongs to the private key used to calculate the signature.
"-privateKey <PRIVATE_KEY>"Private key (base64 encoded) used to calculate the signature.

When utilizing CloudHSM service, refer to Cloud Connectivity Details for accurate API-Endpoint URI. For on-premise deployments, verify API-Endpoint URI with your administrator, ontact your service administrator for authentication credentials in any setup (on-prem or cloud).

Example using JWT-based authentication, for key without password:

"key-providers": {
"securosys\_encryption": {
"cmd": {
"args": [
"-key-label SecurosysEncKey01",
`"-cipher-algorithm RSA",
"-auth TOKEN",
"-token ergq0ejgadjlfkgjaldfjgaodf9gjad0f9hgadfhgadhfogiah…" ],
"-keyOperationToken <tsb-x-token_...>",
"-publicKey <MIIBIjANBgkqhk...>",
"-privateKey <MIIEvgIBADANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQE...>"